The Honest Time was an interactive guitar sculpture created as my final piece for the Masters in Digital Media Arts, University of Brighton in June 2011.

The installation was made up of 5 broken acoustic guitars, each converted with an infra-red sensor, a speaker with LED’s and a central Max/MSP patch controlling the interaction via an Arduino.

Close proximity of someone to each guitar would trigger a layer of ambient music through the speaker. Each guitar played an instrument (two vocals, guitar, bell, strings) and was an interpretation of my song The Honest Time taken from The Lumo Tape album.


2012 PS2 Gallery & Digital Arts Studios, Belfast

2011 Crowdshare Brighton Youth Centre, Brighton

2011 New Media Showcase Catalyst Arts & Digital Arts Studios, Belfast

2011 Resonance MA Digital Media Art degree show, University of Brighton, Brighton

Setting up and testing at University of Brighton
PS2 Gallery, Belfast